[nycphp-talk] PHP Quebec

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sat Mar 26 23:57:23 EST 2005

Hans Zaunere |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>>As will Hans and Hans (Kaspersetz and Zaunere).
>>There has to be a good joke in here somewhere...
>What is going to Montreal, has two Hans', two Chris', three airplane seats, 8 laptops and doesn't speak any French?
>The NYPHP convoy to PHP Quebec of course!
>Kaspersetz, Shiflett and Hendry are giving presentations, and I believe are flying up.  I'll likely be going (although not 100% yet) and if I do will likely take the train up (8 hours, but it's not bad and has power outlets).
>Jeff, if you're planning on heading up, let me know if you'd rather take the train, or even if not, let's touch base.
>Hans Zaunere
>President, Founder

Any of you going to be blogging the conference?

-=john andrews

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