[nycphp-talk] AddType application/x-httpd-php .gif .jpg .etc

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Tue Mar 29 16:48:49 EST 2005

On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 04:46:23PM -0500, Andrew Yochum wrote:
> > > Yeah, I'm probably crazy.
> >
> > Depends.  What's the goal?
> I'm thinking something along the lines of setting the PHP module as a
> handler for image files + a prepend script w/ output bufffering +
> sessions + auth (both) + good ol' caching.  The goal is to have a
> relatively non-invasive way to control access to and modify existing
> images in the docroot on-the-fly w/ PHP.

Oh, yeah ... throw GD in there, too.


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