[nycphp-talk] PHP & Word Documents

David Mintz dmintz at
Sat May 7 15:32:55 EDT 2005

On Sat, 7 May 2005, Joseph Crawford wrote:

> has anyone here ever needed the ability to parse a word document? I have a
> client that creates his newsletters in MS Word and wants to upload them and
> send them to his users in an HTML or text based newsletter. This wouldnt be
> a proablem if i have ever heard of an MS Word Parser, i know there is an
> Excel parser class.. Is there a way to parse a word document?

Any chance you can train the client to save it as HTML with MS Word before
uploading? Your upload handler could check the content type and remind
them if they forget. Then you could repair it with Tidy.

David Mintz

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