[nycphp-talk] HTML -> PDF

Russ Demarest rsd at
Tue May 31 12:26:59 EDT 2005

Are you saving saving the PDF file on the server then sending it to  
the browser/acrobat? Acrobat may think something is wrong if it  
stalls while HTMLDOC is generating the doc. Is it a large document?  
If you save what is generated my HTMLDOC on your local machine then  
open it with Acrobat does it work?

On May 31, 2005, at 11:56 AM, Mark Withington wrote:

> Thanks for the great input.  I'm really stumped.  The pages are  
> dynamically
> generated.  If I simply save that as HTML and then run it through  
> no problem.  When I run it, generated on the fly, the page throws  
> an error.
> Even stranger, the page prints correctly with other data (HTML  
> generated
> from a mysql db) and even display correctly via HTMLDOC through  
> another
> (similar) application using the same database.
> Does anyone know if there is an error log file in Acrobat?  The debug
> message is pretty weak, ""the file is damaged and could not be  
> repaired"
> --------------------------
> Mark L. Withington
> PLMresearch
> "eBusiness for the Midsize Enterprise"
> PO Box 1354
> Plymouth, MA  02362
> o: 800-310-3992 ext. 704
> f: 508-746-4973
> v: 508-746-2383
> m: 508-801-0181
> Netscape/AOL/MSN IM: PLMresearch
> mwithington at
> Public Key:
> Calendar:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: talk-bounces at
> [mailto:talk-bounces at]On Behalf Of Russ Demarest
> Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:13 AM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] HTML -> PDF
> HTMLDOC is a great app but it could be many things. Did your HTML
> change? Is the HTML for the PDF generated dynamically? If so, perhaps
> someone entered a strange character or something else that is
> creating the bad PDF. Have you checked the HTMLDOC forums?
> Does it generate some pages correctly and not others? I usually have
> to work it down until I can find a hanging white space or stray tag
> that is problematic. Does the PDF open in any other reader? The
> encryption might be causing an issue, are you using that? Best bet is
> to try to recreate the error in a controlled environment, ie. simple
> Good Luck
> On May 31, 2005, at 8:59 AM, Mark Withington wrote:
>> I've been using htmldoc-1.8.23 for quite sometime to convert HTML
>> to PDF's
>> on the fly.  Recently I've been getting a lot of intermittent "the
>> file is
>> damaged and could not be repaired" messages from Acrobat.  Has
>> anyone had
>> experience tracking down errors like this?  Any suggestion for
>> other HTML -
>> PDF (preferably php based) scripts that might work - I need to  
>> convert
>> images and text.
>> Thanks,
>> Mark
>> --------------------------
>> Mark L. Withington
>> PLMresearch
>> "eBusiness for the Midsize Enterprise"
>> PO Box 1354
>> Plymouth, MA  02362
>> o: 800-310-3992 ext. 704
>> f: 508-746-4973
>> v: 508-746-2383
>> m: 508-801-0181
>> Netscape/AOL/MSN IM: PLMresearch
>> mwithington at
>> Public Key:
>> Calendar:
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>> Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP
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> AMP Technology
> Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP
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