[nycphp-talk] Making an array from a list item?

Adam Helfgott adam at
Tue May 31 13:27:54 EDT 2005

not exactly clear what you want your array to look like at the end,
but using the following style should let u have better control over  
the keys and values of your array - but again your email wasnt too  
clear on what end you are trying to achieve

while (list($key,$value) = each($hntr))       {
          $skill_knack_query = "select knackID from  
characters.skill_knacks where skillID='".$v."'";
         $skill_knack_result = mysql_query("$skill_knack_query",  

On May 31, 2005, at 12:48 PM, leam at wrote:

> Trying to read code from last year. *sigh* At least it isn't as  
> difficult as perl...
> Looking through the archives I don't think I've asked this before.  
> If there is a better way, and I'd not be surprised, feel free to  
> suggest it.  ;)
> My project is a character sheet for a game. Each character has a  
> different set of skills, and each skill has a sub-skill called a  
> "knack". A character can have a rank of 0-5 in a knack. "0" means  
> they don't have that knack. Skills are not ranked; you just have it  
> or not. For example, a character might have the Skill "Hunter" and  
> have the knacks "Fishing (2)", "Stealth (2)", and "Tracking (1)". A  
> character may or may not have all the knacks in a skill. Some  
> knacks are in more than one skill.
> Each Skill and Knack has a unique short name like "hntr", "fshng",  
> and "stlth". I've been using the short name as array keys. The  
> character sheet pulls the list of skills that character has and  
> then looks up what knacks are in that skill. It then writes the  
> Skill header, lists each knack and the rank the character has in  
> that knack.
> The current problem is that I'm using an included file that  
> manually sets the array $htnr to have the knacks "fshg", "stlth",  
> etc. I'd rather, if possible, have the array built from a database  
> pull. I'm failing because I don't know how to iterate through a  
> list and make the list item an array, and then populate the array  
> with the knacks.
> Line from the included file:
> $hntr = array( "ambsh", "anmltn", "fshg", "sknng", "stlth", "srvl",  
> "trkng", "trlsgns", "trps"  );
> So far the code looks like this:
> foreach ( $skills As $s ) {
>         $a = $s;
>         $s = array ();
>         $$s[0] = $a;
>         echo "<p>s[0] is $s[0]!   ";
>         $skill_knack_query = "select knackID from  
> characters.skill_knacks where skillID='$a'";
>         $skill_knack_result = mysql_query("$skill_knack_query",  
> $link_id);
>         // echo "skill_knack_result is $skill_knack_result \n";
>         while($skill_knack_data = mysql_fetch_array 
> ($skill_knack_result)) {
>         //      echo "hello $skill_knack_data";
>                 echo " <p> hello $skill_knack_data[knackID]";
>                 array_push($s , $skill_knack_data["$knackID"] );
>                 }
>                 echo " <p> s[0] is $s[0]  ";
> }
> If I comment out the included file and try the above code it gives  
> output like this:
> s[0] is !
> hello ambsh hello anmltn hello fshg hello sknng hello stlth hello  
> srvl hello trkng hello trlsgns hello trps
> s[0] is
> So the "echo $skill_knack_data[knackID]" line shows the short name  
> is being gotten, I've just not gotten it onto the array. If I  
> change the bottom "s[0] is $s[0] to higher number it still shows  
> nothing in the array.
> It seems easiest to build the array to match the included file, but  
> there may be a better, easier way.
> Thoughts? Suggestions? Crude comments?
> ciao!
> leam
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