[nycphp-talk] URGENT: my ibm t41p laptop motherboard is messed up

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Wed Nov 2 22:58:12 EST 2005

On 11/2/05, Daniel Convissor <danielc at> wrote:
> So, I'm hoping that some of the good people here have some connections,
> please.  Some semi-plausible thoughts that are running through my head, of
> which one should suffice:

Well you are free to borrow my lovely Acer Aspire 1800. You will need
to pay extra on the flight (overweight) and bring a gas generator with
you (battery life ~38 minutes), and the fans will force you to yell at
your presentation; but that 17" widescreen sure looks nice.

-- Mitch, waiting for the laptop to die, and a solution to be found thereafter

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