[nycphp-talk] pharma merchant processor

aaron at aaron at
Wed Nov 9 11:56:18 EST 2005

I know there have been talks about online merchant processors, but can anyone
recommend one that will handle pharmaceutical related products?  My client says
he will just be selling home health care products and not prescriptions, but
seems to keep getting his applications denied.

I need one that uses, or will sync up to it. (I've only done one other
online store before)

He even had someone deny him on the basis that there is a graphic in the design
I created that has pills in it even though he isn't going to sell pills. (It
was part of the design I used on the pharmacy site, the online store is a
different site but branded similarly.

I'll keep my url's off this email so I'm not thought to be spam.  :)

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