[nycphp-talk] building an 1-way email list manager

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Fri Nov 11 18:24:26 EST 2005

Sorry I can't offer any suggestions (wish I could), but I'm curious: are 
you planning to share this (GPL or anything else) when you're "done" ? 
(Not that anything's ever "done," but you know what I mean...)

- Allen

David Mintz wrote:
> Planning to roll my own MySQL/PHP-based mass emailer. Why? Because the
> recipient list isn't a semi-static, monolithic thing. The admin user needs
> to be able to select subsets of people/addresses from a database based on
> various criteria.  (This is your chance to point me to an existing (free)
> tool that can do or be adapted to do this -- I haven't found any.)

Allen Shaw
Polymer (

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