[nycphp-talk] build our own open-source/copyleft "search box"

Alex Linsker alexlinsker at
Sat Nov 12 13:50:27 EST 2005

I've written an article, "How to Search and Find Whatever is Most Important
to You," using Google as an example. It is a ten-step process that many
people have said they find valuable and useful.
 Many of the steps are time-consuming but can be automated (the simplest
automation is to eliminate duplicate words in strings of text). The article
is at<>where
you can see what I have in mind. If you are interested in programming
and designing this (or a part of it) with me, then please contact me.
 There is no pay, so it would need to be inherently interesting for you. I'm
not planning to make any money (and am spending some myself to promote the
site)...I'm expert in search engine optimization, and your work will help
many people. I'm thinking this might be best as an open-source/copyleft
project, but I'm open to your ideas.
 I look forward to hearing from you at alexlinsker at

Alex Linsker
(646) 269-4915
alexlinsker at
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