[nycphp-talk] PHP vs. new ASP.NET 2.0

Jeff Knight jeff.knight at
Fri Nov 25 23:29:51 EST 2005

Just stay away from the Kool-aid jeff... stay away

On 11/25/05, Jeff Loiselle <jeff.loiselle at> wrote:
> I'm actually gonna download it and check it out. I'd love to see what
> they offer, and bring any interesting ideas I see from there into my
> PHP experience. It would be nice if PHP had some sort of excellent RAD
> environment, but there just isn't one that compares to what Microsoft
> puts out. Zend IDE is great but it lacks a WYSIWYG HTML editor... and
> every WYSIWGY editor is lacking an extensive JavaScript component and
> widget library.. What's up with that?? ;-)
> In the future I see everything as drag and drop with the flexibility
> of people able to dive under the hood like we do every day in PHP. I
> can't wait to see what Zend will be bringing to the table with the new
> framework also. I'm quite curious.
> I've become rather speedy at creating applications lately, I can
> design templates in Photoshop/GIMP, cut them up, and HTML and style
> them in Dreamweaver very fast. And then start dropping in the PHP
> components I use most often. Sometimes I feel quite saucy as I do it,
> knowing that I am working at closest to light speed as I can with the
> toolset I have. But there is nothing more powerful than opening up a
> single application and going RAD crazy. It's just f*cking rad! ;-)
> And someday, yes someday, we'll only be dragging and dropping UML and
> it will make the applications for us, or at least that's what I've
> been hearing. ;-)
> I'll be back with a review of Visual Web Developer 2005, unless it eats me.
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