[nycphp-talk] PHP vs. new ASP.NET 2.0

LeeEyerman at LeeEyerman at
Sat Nov 26 22:39:23 EST 2005

In my experience, PHP is a far more reliable and stable language to deliver  
cross platform/cross web browser apps.  They also tend to be MUCH easier  and 
faster to build.  They have a very low cost of entry for all  users and 
organizations - even look at web hosting costs - MS hosting  is still more expensive 
and far more restricting -  then upfront costs are  high.    And the fact is, 
Sun and Oracle support  PHP extensively for the fact that it is easy to 
create and  maintain highly scalable websites.  
On the other hand, I know a lot of great websites and clients who use  
ASP.NET.  There apps are good - unless you're on a mac, or... :)  The  real test 
will be time.  And the fact is, Billy just sent out a memo saying  online apps 
are the future, ie.,, netsuite (oracle), on-line  quickbooks, 
etc.  So we will see who wins in the end.  That is life,  it is what makes it 
fun.  (Besides how would I make any money when clients  spend a ton on the 
drag-and-drop promise from MS and I come save the day  with a LAMP. :)
I am just curious, Susan, how long have you been a member of nyphp?  I  do 
not remember ever reading any posts from you on any of the NYPHP  subsections?  
Are you affiliated with Microsoft somehow?  Are you  being paid/asked to do 
this?  I just want to keep the record straight b/c I  know MS is not above 
paying someone to post something like this in hopes of  getting a few new php 
programmers to try their fancy new drag and drop product,  instead of really 
becoming programmers. (I know this is called  something but I forget what) I am just 
curious, and I hope that you  are just another programmer frustrated by 
another language, because I have been  there - I think they call it JAVA.  But I 
wouldn't want to be entertaining  this conversation if it was just a PR stunt 
from MS.  And this whole "men"  comment seems just weird?  Not all of us are 
men, and for as long as I've  been a member (approx. 16 months, maybe more) I 
have never, ever, heard any kind  of comment like that - and I can assure you 
things aren't always pleasant - like  I said, it just seems weird.
If you are for real, what type of apps are you developing?  Is your  
argument, "I'd rather spend time developing my application design and GUI and  
workflow, not tinkering with the simple/same DB access code?  
I think a lot of us here strive to be really good programmers and Internet  
web app developers in a very pure sense.  Most of us have created our own  
libraries or reusable code - all of it hammered out by us - even with the  
assistance of other NYPHP members.  It is not easy, but when you are done,  you own 
that code - it is not some mystery code MS created.  That is how I  make a 
living, and I am sure a number of other people do the same.  For me,  and I would 
imagine all of us would agree, hard work and a whole lot of  ^&#!@ finesse is 
required on every job - that is a programmer - male or  female.  Are you a 
programmer?  Or are you more of a system  designer?
Anyway I would just like to say, on this thanksgiving weekend, thanks for  
all the good talk and advice from everyone.  
This is a nice place to be,
it is all free
and PHP 
is better than ASP 
PS, this is funny: "Then you arent really a programmer, you are an Excel  
>  -Max Gribov
In a message dated 11/26/2005 10:00:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
agfische at writes:

Can we  save the generalizations and gender stereotypes for another 
list?   Besides being untrue, they're not forwarding any useful 
discussion.   Thanks.

Susan Shemin wrote:

> Hey, guys, nice to hear  your responses.  However, there's always 2 
> sides to an argument,  and I do not agree with you.  Somehow men think 
> that only hard  work is how things get done.  With women, they know 
> it's finesse  that works.  And I believe Visual Studio has finesse and 
> class  (sorry for the pun).
>  *//*

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