[nycphp-talk] Date switching back and forth

harvey list at
Sat Oct 1 09:27:23 EDT 2005

How is this possible? I have a site hosted at Yahoo and am using the 
following code to display the date/time at the top of the page. Works 
fine, except-- every once in a while, the date is one full day off. 
For example, on the 28th of this month at about 10pm, the page said 
it was the 29th at 10pm. Later on, it was fine and said the right 
date. Yahoo, of course, says it's not them, but what else could it 
be? Thanks in advance.

$hourdiff = "-4";
$timeadjust = ($hourdiff * 60 * 60);
echo date("l") . "<br>" . date("F jS, Y") . "<br>" . date("g:i:s a", 
time() + $timeadjust) . "&nbsp;NYC";

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