[nycphp-talk] large file download

csnyder chsnyder at
Thu Sep 1 16:25:00 EDT 2005

On 9/1/05, Steve Rieger <steve.rieger at> wrote:
> hi all
> have an interesting question
> i have large files that i am trying to download, anything up to 230 MB works
> but from 250 and up i can not download. i get no errors in the error logs,
> and when i hit the download button apache seems to request the file but does
> not. 
> here are my php info variables for this dir, as defined in .htaccess
> max_input_time    60
> memory_limit    947M 
> output_buffering    4096
> this is a page written in php, the files are there, and i can d/l the ones
> smaller than 250 MB. any pointers.  all the files are on local disks.

No real ideas, but a hunch... check your server system log (
/var/log/messages on Linux ) for signs that httpd has crashed. Not
sure what you would do about it, but if you don't see any indication
that Apache is barfing, you can cross that possibly off the list and
look for other factors.

What *does* happen? Zero-length file? 
Is there an entry in the httpd access_log?


Chris Snyder

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