[nycphp-talk] SVN questions: incremental save using file changes/deltas &

Billy Pilgrim bpilgrim1979 at
Sat Sep 3 16:44:31 EDT 2005

On 9/3/05, Eric K. <kigathi at> wrote:

>  1) One of SVN's advantages was that it only saves file deltas and not a
> copy of the file. Isn't this unsafe? What if some newbie sysadmin(!!)
> botches my original file or one of my early commits, won't that invalidated
> all my subsequent commits

This question is immaterial because neither developers nor repository
administrators have anything to do with the internal file deltas, etc.
 A sysadmin installs subversion and then the subversion handles
commits--a "newbie sysadmin" isn't personally involved in any commit,
"original file", etc.  This question just doesn't make sense. 
Subversion just doesn't work that way.  :)

Also, your svn repos should be FSFS, not Berkeley.

>  2) Is there a shortcut to speed up development or must I duplicate the
> entire server/dev environment in every developer's workspace?

If you're using subversion, you should WANT to have separate dev
environments.  Then files are shared through subversion.  But if your
dev team wants to edit the same files on a live webroot with Windows
Map a Network Drive, you are welcome to do that too.  :P


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