[nycphp-talk] worm/virus's hammering feedback scripts?POLISHED VERSION

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Thu Sep 15 07:12:48 EDT 2005

This might be a silly question, but with this solution are you still 
vulnerable if the hack comes in another character encoding?


matthijs abeelen wrote:

>This problem is spreading very fast, a good summery of the best solution(s) 
>is needed indeed. Unfortunately, I'm not the one who can do that. Waiting 
>eagerly for the article on Phundamentals!
>"We're working on getting a Phundamentals article online covering the
>discussion over the last couple of days.  Thanks Roland and everyone for
>their feedback and discussion."
>At the moment I'm using the following script:
>function email_injection_filter($formInput) 
>$injectionStrings = array("apparently-to", 
>foreach ($injectionStrings as $spam) 
>$pos = strpos(strtolower($formInput), $spam); 
>if ($pos !== false) 
>error_log("Email injection attempt - From IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . 
>" | Server Time: " . date('m\/d\/y, h:i:s A'), 1, "mymail at"); 
>exit("<html><body><p>Error message here.</p></body></html>"); 
>And then after receiving the POST variables I'll do:
>foreach ($_POST as $formInput)
>Could anyone give some feedback on this particular script? I know there have 
>been given/proposed many filters already. But the sheer amount of them is a 
>bit overwhelming and it seems there's still no consensus on the best 
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