[nycphp-talk] Paypal IPN with php

chucksmith at chucksmith at
Fri Sep 16 09:52:47 EDT 2005

> hi,
> I'v been coding some software for a company and they want to integrate
> paypal's subscriptions with IPN. Iv'e read PayPal's manuel for it and
> looked around for examples but I still havn't figured out how to use it.
> Basicly, in my sql table for users I have one field named 'active',
> which I want turned on or off depending on the state of the users
> subscription. And I want new subscriptions that come in to create a new
> user.
> Is there any code out there that can do that thats easy to integrate? I
> think I understand the basic consept of IPN, I just need some code that
> can do what I mentioned in the above paragraph.

I found Paypal's own IPN code to be very confusing.  I downloaded the following
class and it worked great for me:

Good luck,

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