[nycphp-talk] Code cleanliness vs. code popularity

Greg Rundlett greg.rundlett at
Sat Sep 17 22:17:40 EDT 2005

In my experience, fudforum <> is a better forum software 
than phpBB, and the main author is a PEAR member who has many code 
contributions to open source beyond fudforum. And, he (Ilya Alshanetsky) is 
also security conscious so that is a primary requirement of fudforum.

I haven't used it in a while, so I just downloaded it again and checked the 
source to see if it's Object Oriented. I can't be sure because the download 
only includes an installer, which apparently bootstraps the download of the 
software. That seems fine, however one major concern that I have is that 
there is binary content in the installer. I posed a question on the site to 
find out what it is, and how they could license it under the GPL if the 
installer itself is part binary.

Until that is clarified, I guess I would suggest NOT using it.
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