[nycphp-talk] Multiple query from out put

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon Sep 19 18:38:20 EDT 2005

thegeek |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>Well need some guidance here.  Pretty much a beginer.  Here is what I would 
>like to do.  I have a script that searches a table within the database and 
>returns multiple enteries(zip codes) in that table.  I would then like to 
>take each one of zipcodes and search another table for store addresses.  So 
>am unsure how to format to make multiple queries from the original zipcode 
>search.  I can query the database (MySQL) with a single zip and get what I 
>need but don't know where to start when to repeat that with a multiple 
>query.  This is a volunteer non profit project with no money and no real 
>deadline so a good opportunity for me to learn. 
>Paul G
You might be best served if you post a code snippet for you project. Put 
on your hard hat first, and send it to the list and I am *quite sure* 
you will get some expert opinions.

-=john andrews

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