[nycphp-talk] PHPWiki

Rick Olson rolson at
Tue Sep 20 01:18:26 EDT 2005

I've had really poor experiences with PHPWiki in the past.  We 
"upgraded" to MediaWiki, and it has been fantastic :)  So, I'd have to 
second everyone else who recommended MediaWiki.

It takes me all of 97 seconds to install MediaWiki, perhaps another perk :)


Steve Manes wrote:

>Pardon me if this has been discussed before.  I assume it has been but I 
>was probably outside having a smoke.  What's the general opinion about 
>PHPWiki here?
>I'm tasked with setting up a Wiki for a large open source PHP dev 
>project for Childrens Health Fund.  I've set up and used TikiWiki before 
>and it worked fine.  It's just a bit of overkill for our needs and it 
>would sorta politically undercut my argument for PHP as the base 
>language for this project if I installed a perl wiki.
>I downloaded v1.3 last night and got it running okay albeit with tons of 
>PHP warnings, mostly about using invalid types in referenced arg 
>variables.  I googled relentlessly on this problem only to find myself 
>directed to other PHPWiki sites, most of which suffered from the same 
>I know how to turn off those warnings and know (pretty much) what's 
>causing them.  But I'd rather not mask the symptoms.  Also, PHP warnings 
>indicate potentially problematic code.
>Is v1.3 not ready for prime time or does it require PHP5?  The 
>installation docs are somewhat byzantine.  Is there a better PHP 
>alternative to PHPWiki?
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