[nycphp-talk] Audubon Flash/PHP Map

csnyder chsnyder at
Thu Sep 29 09:26:55 EDT 2005

On 9/29/05, Mark Armendariz <nyphp at> wrote:

> Flash is so much more developer-friendly these days.  I still hate the ide
> and think it should be beaten to bits (haven't played with 8 yet, so don't
> hate me if it's improved - thankfully that's for the designers to deal
> with), but development is so much more rewarding than it once was.

A non-geek friend of mine from SF knows a bunch of people who code for
Macromedia, and says they are always talking about "this PHP thing".
They have been actively promoting Flash+PHP for a couple years now. I
wish the Flash IDE was higher quality, but then that's really the
designer's domain.

Flash+actionscript+php (FLAP?) is a pretty killer platform for rich
web applications, and not subject (to the best of my knowledge) to the
same class of cross-site-scripting attacks that AJAX apps are. The
biggest problem for me is the lack of an open-source player. If
Macromedia/Adobe decides to start selling ads on top of your
application, or includes spyware in the player, what are you going to
do about it?

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