[nycphp-talk] PHP IDE (Mac)

tedd tedd at
Tue Apr 11 12:55:05 EDT 2006

At 12:11 PM -0400 4/11/06, csnyder wrote:
>  > On Apr 11, 2006, at 8:54 AM, edward potter wrote:
>>  > A friend has recommended Xcode on the mac for PHP coding, has anyone
>>  > given it a try?
>>  >
>>  > thanks, ed  :-)
>I tried using XCode for a while before Jeff Knight finally convinced
>me that the Zend IDE was the way to go on Mac. Despite the bloat it
>generally stays out of the way, and if you take the time to change
>some of the poor key-mapping and syntax-coloring choices, it's a great


I have Zend IDE Professional as well, but I seldom use it.

Surprisingly enough, I use GoLive for the Mac and program directly on 
my host. However, GoLive has some minor issues with function 
coloring, minor editing annoyances, and it occasionally loses track 
of what it should upload (it often looks at two files with the same 
name as being the same even though they reside in different folders). 
However, I know what to lookout for and it works well for me.

I tried XCode, but it's far too much -- it's like driving a thumbtack 
with a sledge hammer. I want something like me, simple. :-)


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