[nycphp-talk] PHP4 Array/XML sorting question

Tim Boyden TBoyden at
Tue Apr 11 13:28:41 EDT 2006

I am working on a web page that lists some ads stored in an XML file and I'm
having trouble with figuring out how to sort the listings by their
"category" element. Currently I pull the "ad" elements from the XML into an
array and print out the HTML list of ads in a non-sorted manner. I'd like it
to print out with a header for the category followed by a list of ads in
that category. I'm not sure how to code it though. Any help would be
appreciated. Below is a snippet from the XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <title>Test 1</title>
    <category>Home Improvement</category>
    <title>Test 2</title>
    <title>Test 3</title>

Tim Boyden
Timothy Boyden 
Network Administrator 
tboyden at 
SuperCoups(r) | 350 Revolutionary Drive | E. Taunton, MA 02718 
508-977-2034  | 
Local Coupons. Super Savings.(r)
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