[nycphp-talk] Passing Arrays

Linux Rocks linux_rocks1 at
Thu Apr 13 15:25:47 EDT 2006

--- Ken Robinson <kenrbnsn at> wrote:

> At 03:07 PM 4/13/2006, Linux Rocks wrote:
> >Hello again:
> >
> >I'm passing an array to a page and can't figure out
> >how to access each row with $_POST['array_name'].
> >
> >How can I browse each row for ie:
> >
> >print array_name[1]
> >print array_name[2]
> What do you mean by "passing am array to a page".
> Is there a form involved? If so please post the
> script that generates the form.

Yes. There is a form involved. I found out the
solution after searching for about an hour. This was
enough: $_POST['array_name'][1]

Thanks Mr. Robinson

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