[nycphp-talk] Php in the twilight zone

Flavio daCosta nyphp at
Thu Apr 20 21:02:03 EDT 2006

No solutions, but some thoughts...

Apache, IIS, other?

> I run the script in a browser, and it has to run for some time, but
> after about 20 minutes it suddenly … stops … it just pukes.

If I read that sentence correct, that seems like quite a long time for a
(web) script to be running...?   Could you be hitting resource limits in
php.ini?  max_execution_time, max_input_time ?  Are you normally
outputting anything to the browser during this time?  Could the web
server _think_ it is a dead connection from no data being transfered for
such a long period and drop or kill it?

> No there is
> no error, and yes the display_errors is on.  The script just stops as if
> it was stoped by someone no eror, the erver has absolutely no load, so
> it’s not the server either.

To tell you the truth, sounds like a php segfault to me, any errors in
the web server logs? Can you turn web server log verbosity up?  Did you
compile PHP or a prepackaged one?  What extensions are loaded, can you
disable any of them?  Do you have any database connections open?  If so,
are the client versions compatible? (e.g. I have noticed some issues
with and Postgresql server 8.1 which may be related to the
version of pg libs it was compiled against)

> I then put in the script once every 3-4 lines
> Echo __LINE__;  so I would actually know on what line it pukes… and it
> stops randomly. Te funny thing is that last time I ran it, the last
> lines it displayed were:
> 228, 234, 23  , so it just puked in THE MIDDLE of displaying 236!

what about adding some memory_get_usage () calls as well.

> Cound it be because of the browser???  Or the server would stop it??

There is also a setting in php.ini to ignore if the user clicks 'stop'
ignore_user_abort = On.

Perhaps no help at all, but thought I would share my first impressions.


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