[nycphp-talk] Web app security scanners

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sat Apr 22 13:22:21 EDT 2006

Just received a copy of "Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit"
from Syngress, and it looks like a great reference for everyone that
builds websites. A big, thick beastie, there seems to be a load of
reference on many different toolkits and plenty of language-based
discussion (c, perl, php, etc).

Might want to start there, if you want something with some heft to
keep you busy ;-)

IMHO the tools like nmap, nessus and ettercap are a great start, but
just that - a start. Getting an understanding of how these tools work,
and why they do what they do, is the real value. With that knowlege
you are then empowered to take a proactive approach.

-- Mitch

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