[nycphp-talk] SQL injection and stripslashes

Charles Collicutt charles.collicutt at
Thu Aug 3 08:07:03 EDT 2006

Kenneth Downs wrote:
> The backslash is not stored in the database.  It tells the database that 
> the apostrophe (technically: single-quote) is not an endquote, and that 
> the single-quote is part of the column's value.  The database discards 
> the backslash and stores the single-quote as part of the value.  When 
> you retrieve it, you get the value without the backslash.

Ah, thanks. I thought that only applied if I was using the same 
delimiter around the string (i.e. it would work with 'it\'s fine' but 
not with "it\'s fine") but I was wrong, that works for both. I'm sure 
I've ended up with strings from databases with annoying backslashes in 
them before but that must have been on a server with magic quotes turned 
on or something.

Thank you very much for clearing that up for me.


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