[nycphp-talk] Best editor? Textmate, just too sluggish over a network?

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Wed Aug 9 10:27:24 EDT 2006

I recently switched from PHPEclipse to the Zend PHP IDE - 
<>.  It's getting updated frequently and I 
suspect it will surpass PHPEclipse.  The earlier versions had some major 
issues with folding and syntax highlighting, but now it's pretty solid.

Download the All-In-One version - it gives you everything you need, just 
unpack it and it's ready to go (be sure to delete your old .workspace 
and .project files).  You get javascript, css, and html highlighting 
with that too.

I haven't tried remote editing in either... is that a 
PHPEclipse-specific feature or a general Eclipse feature?

One note is that Eclipse is a memory hog.  512MB just barely cut it for 
me.  Upgraded to 2.5GB and now I'm flying :)


Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> On 8/8/06, edward potter <edwardpotter at> wrote:
>> The issue is that If I mount my remote dir, then edit using textmate
>> (OSX), the response is horrendously sluggish, (no matter what speed
>> i'm lucky to be on, even up to 20mbs), local of course it works great.
>> I was wondering how people who often have to work with files across a
>> network (dreamhost for me), what's their latest, and greatest way of
>> handling editing?  Yes, VIM rocks, I just wish it's fonts handling was
>> a bit better in terminal.
> I just installed PHPEclipse and the subversion plugin, and I am ready
> to rock. With PHPEclipse you can work on remote files, remote sites,
> make use of version control, the works.
> -- Mitch, missing Quanta+ but digging PHPEclipse
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