[nycphp-talk] SSH Login via PHP

Nick nhart at
Fri Aug 11 10:03:42 EDT 2006

I am looking to permit users to change their own .vacation and .forward 
files on our email server so that they can autoreply to email while they 
are away on holiday.  Since ssh is already set on our email server, I 
thought it might be possible to use php to permit the user to login and 
then easily change his/her .vacation message and switch on autoreply via 
a web page - from a different server:  I don't want our email server 
doing double duty as a webserver.

Please let me know if this is possible and if so what options are 
available to achieve this goal.  My web server is running on i5/OS which 
supports php5 but may be lacking certain options/libraries.


Nicholas Hart

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