[nycphp-talk] OT: SEO: different hosts?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Aug 11 16:42:18 EDT 2006

Michael Southwell |nyphp dev/internal 
group use| wrote:

>I have a client with a Mets blog; he is getting ready to start a Jets 
>blog.  Somebody told him it is better for SEO to host the two blogs 
>on different hosts from each other.  This doesn't make much sense to 
>me, but what do I know?

It should not make any difference as they are different subjects with 
different audiences, and he is not breaking any rules or guidelines are 
any such nonsense.

I would be careful about the IP assigned by the host, the past history 
of that IP, and other websites on it if it is a shared hosting environment.

The SEO advice out there is frigtheningly inaccurate, at best.

>  Can anybody provide authoritative advice on this?

Now that's funny!  I suppose you'll have to ask 
webmaster-help at (don't bother... it bounces :-)

-=john andrews

"If you think this stuff is confusing, you should try optimizing websites for search engine exposure."  john andrews SEO

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