[nycphp-talk] Active Persistent Links..

Nick nhart at
Fri Aug 18 09:48:15 EDT 2006

I am in the process of moving a  site that  contains a lot of php with 
mysql.  I was getting some errors that led me to the fact that the 
php.ini values for the old site were: mysql.allow_persistent =ON, Active 
Persistent Links = 2, Active Links = 2.  For the new site, these were: 
mysql.allow_persistent=OFF, Active Persistent Links = 0, Active Links = 0.

Does anyone  know the "correct/safe or standard" values for these 
settings and what I need to look for in my code when changing this from 
ON to OFF.  The errors I receive are per a class called 'user' which 
refers to data in a mysql table of the same name.  I realize this is 
somewhat vague but any thoughts or recommendations would be much 
appreciated.  Thanks.


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