[nycphp-talk] Drag Drop Uploads & Progress Bars

csnyder chsnyder at
Tue Aug 22 15:12:38 EDT 2006

On 8/22/06, Jeff Loiselle <jeff.loiselle at> wrote:

> >> I gave up on this and went with WebDAV (aka Web Folders in Windows).
> Unfortunately I need to tie these files to database records.

I figured that. This is gonna sound really crazy, but you can use the
PROPSET method to add an id to the file's metadata. This works
out-of-the-box with Apache2.

You could also implement the whole WebDAV server in PHP and track ids
internally. A big job, to be sure, but possibly easier than deploying
a PHP+GTK front-end. Then again, maybe not. :-)

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