[nycphp-talk] Zend IDE slooooow

Craig Thomas craig at
Tue Dec 12 20:06:54 EST 2006

On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 15:24:48 -0500 (EST)
David Mintz <dmintz at> wrote:

> You guys are talking about Windows and I am using Fedora Core IV,
> but... ZDE has always been a PITA: slowing down, hanging, suspected
> of hanging the whole system. I am using 5.1.0. I keep wondering if
> throwing more memory and CPU at it would help. (Are you listening,
> Santa Claus?)

Hm, I use Zend Studio with Fedora Core 6 and it works great(hate
to work w/o it...)...I have a P4/1GB ram, so nothing special.

> Good thing (or is it bad?) that its many virtues still persuade me to
> stay with the program.

IMHO, it's a 'good thing' this ZDE.  Eclipse has a long way to go
to catch up (but it will surpass, in time, I think) if Zend Studio
could just generate getters and setters! 

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