[nycphp-talk] Cakephp

Kenneth Downs ken at
Thu Dec 14 20:34:47 EST 2006

Paul Houle wrote:
> dkov at wrote:
>> Does anyone use the Cakephp framework? If you do, I have tried using 
>> thier session component to create and manage sessions.  I have read 
>> every bit of information I can find on the internet.  I still can't 
>> get my sessions working correctly.  Please teach me.
>    I avoid session variables -- most applications that use session 
> variables are "broken by design".  If you do manage to get sessions to 
> work,  the next thing you'll be asking us is how to disable the back 
> button.

I'm always on the lookout to improve my techniques, perhaps you can help 
here.  When you say "manage to get sessions to work", what exactly do 
you mean?  We wrote two routines for ourselves, SessionSet() and 
SessionGet(), which worked fine when coded and have done so ever since.  
Do I misunderstand you here?

>    The "stateless" paradigm of web programming is responsible for many 
> of it's advantages:  

Name two. 

It does force us into a transactional mode of thinking, which is a good 
thing anyway.  So that's one.  I never noticed any more than that.

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