[nycphp-talk] Postscript Output Directly From PHP???

Kenneth Downs ken at
Wed Dec 20 22:04:06 EST 2006

it's what you want.  Makes a nifty pdf you can send anywhere.

R. Mariotti wrote:
> Fellow PHP'ers;
> Can someone please direct me to a method or technique that would allow 
> me to output directly in postscript format?
> I am trying to output to a label printer that will accept ps format 
> (I've tested it - it does) and I output to a pipe connected to "lp" 
> from within my program.
> I've been playing with various types of output, including using 
> templates, but it seems no matter what I try there is NO output.
> Someone somewhere MUST be done this before?????
> Suggestions anyone???
> Thanks and happy holidays!!!
> bobmct
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