[nycphp-talk] windows 2003 server, php.ini, exchange server & mail ?

David Krings ramons at
Sun Dec 24 14:54:31 EST 2006

Christopher Grimaldi wrote:
> Unfortunately, due to the business arrangement I have,
> I have to use IIS. I have searched all over the
> internet and have come up dry. Is this even possible
> with my current configuration?  Any advice or help is appreciated.
Maybe you need to change business arrangements....sorry, but IIS is in 
my opinion not a web server, but a plain piece of garbage for reasons 
like the one you mentioned. Anyhow, as far as I know, you can override 
settings in the php.ini on the fly through script. The problem would be 
to make the script adapt to each domain.  The command for overriding the 
php.ini setting should be ini_set, see

    Hope this helps,


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