[nycphp-talk] OT ? Insurance Question

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Sat Feb 11 20:26:23 EST 2006

It worries me that this even needs to be thought about these days ...  
Im interested in why the company that hires you for this would not  
provide such insurance ... I have read at least a dozen items this  
year alone which shows developers getting *sued* for just bad  
mouthing or giving a good opinion on why not to buy a product in  
their blogs.  While its not the same as a mission-critical situation  
I find it troublesome that you would need "online insurance" these  
days if you are programming via contract work :-\

- Jon

On Feb 11, 2006, at 4:51 PM, Glenn wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm in the NYC, USA area.
> I have a potential contracting job and I'm thinking
> that I need to have some good errors and omissions
> insurance, and other insurance as well.
> This would be programming work in a mission-critical environment, and
> in an industry with high liability.
> I'm hoping some of the folks on this list can recommend
> insurance companies that have a positive reputation.
> Any other comments on the subject are also most welcome.
> Best Regards,
> Glenn
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