[nycphp-talk] UTF8 Windows vs. Linux differences with PHP

Reto M. Kiefer reto.kiefer at
Mon Feb 13 14:46:14 EST 2006

Dear all,

I have a question regarding the utf8 function in php. We have an
application that gets some UTF encoded data and stores it in a UTF
encoded Oracle 9 database. We are managing the encoding with
utf8-encode and utf8-decode.

But depending on wihcih platform we are running the application we
have different results.

PHP under Windows and Oracle under Windows everything works like a
charm. We can read and write from Oracle and receive from and send to 
UTF Frontend (Macromedia Flex btw.)

But on the staging system nothing works any more. PHP runs there under
Linux and Oracle under Solaris.

I am pretty sure it is not an Oracle problem but I do not know for
what to search in the php configuration in order to provide utf
encoding and decoding functionality under Linux...

Any suggestions are highly appreciated...

Thanks in advance and

best regards


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