[nycphp-talk] Debugging Remote Problem

Tim Gales tgales at
Tue Feb 21 15:35:43 EST 2006

Andrew Yochum wrote:
> Hans Kaspersetz wrote:
>> SSL was involved.  I setup the demo site to remove that from the 
>> equation.  When SSL was involved the user could not even login.  I would 
>> see a successful login in the logs but then an immediate redirect to the 
>> logged our state.  Very weird.  Taking SSL out of the equation made 
>> things better.  Now the user can login and browse 1 or 2 pages.  Then 
>> redirect to logged out state. 
> Sounds a lot like cookies/sessions aren't working.  Try either having
> them turn on cookies, or set up the php url rewriter.  If they have
> cookies on, possibly a proxy server is getting in the way. 

If a proxy is in the way
maybe this will help


T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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