[nycphp-talk] Debugging Remote Problem

Corey Szopinski corey at
Tue Feb 21 15:54:47 EST 2006

I once had a problem where a client had their local computer's time  
zone set to someplace in China (the computer was in NY). This caused  
sessions to timeout immediately because the client clock was 13+  
hours a head of the cookie expiration. Now I keep my cookies valid  
for at least 24 hours, as a rough catch all. (Needless to say, that  
bug took a while to track down.)

Not sure if that's the issue, but if it's localized to one machine it  
might be a helpful tip.


On Feb 21, 2006, at 3:29 PM, Andrew Yochum wrote:

> Sounds a lot like cookies/sessions aren't working.  Try either having
> them turn on cookies, or set up the php url rewriter.  If they have
> cookies on, possibly a proxy server is getting in the way.  You may be
> able to find that out from asking them if they know they're using a
> proxy or by looking up the PTR records for their source IPs and/or the
> user agent in your logs.
> HTH,
> Andrew

Corey Szopinski
Director of Technology

corey at
55 Washington St. Suite 822
Brooklyn, NY 11201
718-797-4470  x116

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