[nycphp-talk] Preventing spam with php mail function

Hans Zaunere lists at
Thu Feb 23 17:19:33 EST 2006

Halter, Shari wrote on Thursday, February 23, 2006 10:02 AM:
> I have just joined this mailing list, and hope to attend the next meeting
> on Tuesday.  I hope this question is not too rudimentary for this group. 

Not at all - welcome, Shari...

> Is there a widely-accepted solution to prevent spammers from exploiting
> the php mail function (as forwarded from HTML forms, for instance)?  I
> have seen several out there, but is there any particular approach that is
> considered best?  The less elaborate, the better --I don't really need
> Pentagon level security-- but right now there is nothing and the site
> owners are getting swamped with spam.     
> I would appreciate any quick pointers you could offer.

If I understand correctly, we have a PHundamentals article available for

Hans Zaunere / President / New York PHP  /

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