[nycphp-talk] hosting?

Warren Myers volcimaster at
Tue Feb 28 10:22:17 EST 2006

On 2/28/06, Peter Sawczynec <ps at> wrote:
> Sorry, but one last caveat on this here web hosting.
> Domain Names and Web Hosting
> I don't let the web host provide the domain name service.
> I make the client actually buy it themselves, separately, from another
> vendor like Network Solutions.
> (Yes, this costs more.) But...

Good point. I've been doing this for a while, especially as needs change for
hosting solutions.

Then later if there are any irresolvable technical issues with the web host,
> you can:
> 1) Go and buy a new web hosting plan by IP address only,
> 2) Set up the web site at the new host,
> 3) Log in to your separate domain name control panel and change the domain
> name pointing yourself to the new web host,
> 4) End of nightmare old web hosting story.

Yeah, changing registrars later is a pain.

This way the client is in control of their own domain name destiny and can
> be
> a discriminating consumer with playable options and can move around more
> at will.
> Giddy.

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