[nycphp-talk] C++,C#,Java, Python, Ruby, and finally .. PHP5

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Jan 6 00:45:59 EST 2006

Just thought it worth highlighting how Bruce Eckel (C++ standards guy, 
long time C/Java expert author) wrote an article in December about 
technical aspects of Ruby/Rails evangelism entitled "the Departure of 
the Hyper Enthusiasts". He touched on C/C++, Java, Python, Ruby, and 
Perl, comparing and contrastng them as solutions. He ends up picking 
PHP5 because:

" I'm going to find something drop-dead simple to solve my drop-dead 
simple problems. Probably PHP5, which actually includes most of Java and 
C++ syntax, amazingly enough, and I wonder if that isn't what made IBM 
adopt it."

I paid very-serious-money to learn C++ from Bruce many years ago, and 
repeated with an intro Java course when it took over. As an advanced 
instructor he's been around the block with the details... he's not just 
a talking head. So it is interesting to me when he abandons Zope and 
Python for his web app because he wants a simple solution to the common 
problem of web-based database driven application. He loves Python, but 
chooses PHP over Rails and python for the MVC app that is driving Rails 

I could have told him that :-)

On the other hand, is this a sign of PHP's new corporate love affair, 
and can we now expect traveling PHP trainers pursuing "enterprise 
application development with PHP" gigs?

-=john andrews (holding on to his hat)

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