[nycphp-talk] C++,C#,Java, Python, Ruby, and finally .. PHP5

Mike Naberezny mike.n at
Fri Jan 6 13:05:35 EST 2006

Jon Baer wrote:
> I think someone I overheard @ B&N the other day put it nicely that  
> there shouldn't have to be books upon books about PHP database  
> connectivity, security, etc (Java same problem) that make up the  
> actual language and the reason for Rails pickup is that it is a clear  
> concise path in which "you don't have to worry about that stuff".   

You're just as likely to forget to call escapehtml() or h() in Rails as you 
are htmlentities() in PHP.  Just because the PHP security community tries very 
hard to raise awareness through books and lectures doesn't make PHP any less 
secure than anything else, or mean that Rails or other solutions are more 
secure.  Developers need to pay constant attention to security practices 
regardless of the platform.  You always need to "worry about that stuff".


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