[nycphp-talk] Accessing a method from one class in another

Chris Weyl cweyl at
Mon Jan 16 21:26:37 EST 2006

On 1/16/06, CED <Consult at> wrote:
> You create an object for DB called for when accessing objects that need that
> particular connection... Ahh AOP seems so applicable here. =D

When I only need a single db connection (e.g. the db/userid/passwd are
the same for all acceses), I actually tend to just add to my base
class (from which all other classes derive at some level:

class Base {


    public static $dbh = NULL;


    public static function get_dbh() {
        if (self::$dbh == NULL)
            self::$dbh = //connection code here//

        return self::$dbh;

That way, I only ever have to open the connection to the database
once, and can keep on reusing the same object no matter where I am by
calling Base::get_dbh().  You get the idea.

Come to think of it, this wouldn't even need to be in your base class,
if such a thing doesn't work nicely for you; you could stick it in a
standalone class of its own, and just access the static methods.


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