[nycphp-talk] Fault tolerant server architecture

Corey Szopinski corey at
Thu Jan 19 12:01:01 EST 2006

If I were you, I'd start out with a virtual root system with a  
hosting company that can scale you up quickly (within days), to  
bigger and better hardware.  I've had my eye on these guys for a  
while: although (and nearly  
everyone else for that matter) is offering VPS.

At least with this option you can get your idea up and running, even  
paying for multiple vps accounts and running them as distributed  
servers, or database master/slave machines, or reverse proxy servers,  
etc.. and not kill yourself with financing it all.

MySQL vs Oracle: MySQL is highly tuned for selects and using the  
SQL_CACHE directive is a cheap and easy way to really boost the  
performance of any app. Oracle is a pig that's simply not necessary  
for 90% of websites.


On Jan 19, 2006, at 11:11 AM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> Ok, so this may be a bit off topic, but I am trying to determine a  
> cost effective architecture for a classic PHP/MySQL site that is  
> fault tolerant and can scale-out if needed.
> At one extreme I view the minimum configuration as a simple  
> dedicated server.
> But being a bit paranoid, at the other extreme, I have been getting  
> quotes for a configuration that uses a Firewall, load balancer, two  
> web servers, and two database servers (one master, one slave for  
> backups). Of course with additional backups (local & offsite),  
> RAID, hot swap power supplies, etc. I skipped the armed guards,  
> tasers, and off planet options. And so far, I am ignoring the  
> people that are telling me that if I want to be really serious, I  
> should use Oracle, not MySQL.
> If I could stick this in my basement, the price wouldn't even be so  
> bad. But that's not realistic. With a managed service provider, the  
> charge is thousands per month. With co-location -- don't know.  
> Haven't priced it and then I need a sysadmin anyway. Co-lo isn't  
> cheap either.
> I would be funding this out of my own pocket. Am I nuts? What are  
> other people doing to ensure availability at a reasonable price point?

Corey Szopinski
Director of Technology

corey at
55 Washington St. Suite 822
Brooklyn, NY 11201
718-797-4470  x116

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