[nycphp-talk] command line warning "...these options need to match"

Jonathan Hendler hendler at
Fri Jan 27 15:57:19 EST 2006

If these are extensions loaded via your php.ini then you can go through 
each individually and shut them on and off one at a time. And reload the 
Otherwise won't show up in your list of "loaded" extensions because it 
failed to load.
You can also look in your app for a ".so" or ".dll" if you are on 
windows. As I said, distrobutions of ADODB often include a .so.

David Mintz wrote:

>On Wed, 18 Jan 2006, Jonathan wrote:
>>I get these errors when I compile from C into a .so extension from
>>different versions of PHP.
>>It might not be your php script causing the error - but a shared object
>>you are loading (or ADODB c library for example) through a dl() function
>>or in the .ini.
>>\uffff I don't know what that is- hex for nothing?
>>Anyway , thats a php 5 warning message - and some extension being loaded
>>is from php4.
>Does anybody know how you figure out which extension is offending? I have
>this, according to 'php -m'
>[PHP Modules]
>Zend Debugger
>Zend Optimizer
>[Zend Modules]
>Zend Debugger
>Zend Extension Manager
>Zend Optimizer
>I tried googling for this and at the top of the results was my own post to
>this list from a while ago. D'oh! The Inadvertent Autogoogle.
>David Mintz
>Amendment IV
>The right of the people to be secure in their
>persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
>unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be
>violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon
>probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation,
>and particularly describing the place to be
>searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
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