[nycphp-talk] Book recommendations - security, object-oriented programming

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Thu Jul 6 11:21:43 EDT 2006

On Thu, 2006-07-06 at 11:07 -0400, Aaron Fischer wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm working on a project that has me thinking about purchasing one or 
> two books.  The topics I'm interested in are:
> 1.  Security.  Discussion of practices for password storage and 
> retrieval.  Transmission of data in a secure manner, e.g. encrypted, 
> https, certificates, etc.  Also methods of cleaning/filtering/scrubbing 
> data received from web forms.
> 2.  Getting up and running with object-oriented programming in PHP.

There are so many books out there, here's a couple I have read and

For security, I enjoyed Essential PHP Security by Chris Shiflett
(O'Reilly) as well as Php|architect's Guide to PHP Security by Ilia
Alshanetsky (APress).

And for PHP OOP, I liked PHP5 Objects, Patterns, and Practice my Matt
Zandstra (APress) as well as Beginning PHP5 by Dan Squier (wrox press)

Hope these help, Good luck

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