[nycphp-talk] [OT] Re: DTD choice help?

tedd tedd at
Mon Jun 12 09:16:57 EDT 2006

At 8:47 PM -0700 6/11/06, inforequest wrote:
>So I suppose I should let you learn the hard way that you should *never*
>host with your registrar? Okay.

A VERY good point! Keep your domain names and sites separate. That way if you decide to divorce, unlike the real world, you get to keep your stuff.

>(not to the rest of the Talk list: think very carefully about hosting
>with your registrar, especially one that begins with GO and ends with
>Daddy see
> for
>just one set of examples).

While you have to be married to one woman at a time, that doesn't apply to hosts. It doesn't cost that much (one of mine is under $7 per year, imagine that). So try out different ones for different needs and come and go as you want.

As I often say -- I think everyone should go through at least one divorce before getting married.

>Welcome to PHP Talk, sry. Make yourself at home. Don't let the old
>timers intimidate you.

Hey, "old timers" -- just what did you mean by that remark?  :-)


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