[nycphp-talk] Strange PEAR DB problem

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Thu Jun 15 13:04:25 EDT 2006

Every so often, my server seems to "lose" PEAR DB. Why? I have no idea.
I haven't investigated whether the files actually disappear or whether
the dir pointers disappear -- that's next. Running pear install -o DB
makes everything lovely again.
I am running PHP5 ZendCore on a VPS.
Unless someone is specifically hacking my server and just mucking with
my PEAR DM install, which seems unlikely, I am truly perplexed. Perhaps
some sort of cron job I'm unaware of that is flushing something? Any
I hope you are all enjoying that $25 open bar. In NY -- what a deal.
Cliff Hirsch
Pinestream Communications, Inc.
52 Pine Street, Weston, MA 02493 USA
Tel: 781.647.8800, Fax: 781.647.8825
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