[nycphp-talk] Session cookie expiration issue

Dan Cech dcech at
Wed Mar 8 16:52:54 EST 2006

Stephen Musgrave wrote:
> session_start() is definitely being called in every invocation of  
> ever page on the site.  (It's in a global include file.)  I am not  
> jumping in and out of HTTPS, so I will turn them off.
> Any other ideas?

Are you changing the session data?  After a quick look through the
source, it appears that if the data does not change, adodb will not
update it, and will also not update the session expiry field.

Try adding something like $_SESSION['lastaccess'] = time(); to your
include file to ensure that the session will be updated on each page load.

If that is the case, it may be worth opening a bug report for adodb.


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